You may (or maybe not ) have noticed that I have not been blogging as often in recent weeks. It's not because I've gotten bored with blogging, or because I've run out of things to say. It's simply because we have been super busy launching my new book, Guiding Principles For Life Beyond Victim Consciousness!”
I decided to bring you up to speed by introducing you to our little publishing enterprise. We are Conscious Living Media (CLM) and our sole purpose is to share with the world the principles and tools for transforming consciousness. We are a small team of dedicated workers towards the goal of elevating human consciousness.
Let me introduce you to my awesome, and powerfully committed team. Without them, I wouldn't even have a blog much less a book out there. I continue to be awed at how Source has brought these fine individuals together to help me put this work out there. To them and Source I am eternally and humbly grateful.
I mean it when I say it is our work – not just mine.
Jaquetta is the first person I want to introduce to you. She is my daughter and the one closest to me regarding this work. She understands it intimately being that she has grown up with these ideas! She is my right hand partner and is most likely the one you will first encounter when you attempt to contact us. Her steady and easy-going enthusiasm makes her a joy to work with. She is the one responsible for the organizational aspects of this work.
Zack is next. He is our internet guru. And he truly is a “techie genius!” He is the one who told me I needed to blog regularly and then taught me how to do it. He is the savvy behind my rather un-savvy technological skill. He has proven to be right on target every step of the way when it comes to presenting my work online and I trust him in all things having to do with the wide world web implicitly. Like Jaquetta, he is deeply committed to integrating this work into his own life.
There are others on the team too who are worthy of mention:
Danielle, for instance, who is rather new on the team, is our delightful personal relations and marketing outreach person. She has awesome people-skills and is a wonderfully upbeat and creative thinker.
And then there is Eileen, who is my editor and more (sorry I don't have a photo of her 🙁 ). Eileen did an outstanding job of editing my book but, as an avid student of consciousness herself, she was also able to actively collaborate with me on how to say best what it was I wanted to say. I can honestly say that Eileen is the reason my book is so well-written.
And there are a few others as well that perhaps I will introduce another time.
But there is a central, all important criteria that every single member of our team has and I want to mention it here. It is this:
Every single one of our working team at CLM believes in and practices the process described in my book, Life Beyond Victim Consciousness. As a matter of fact, that they be willing to assume complete responsibility for their own state of consciousness is a requirement for being on the CLM team.
Assuming self-responsibility is the single most important asset any of us can bring to our lives and everything we do in it.
At CLM we practice what we teach, not perfectly, not without getting hooked at times in victim consciousness but in getting ourselves out of it. As I remind people often, it's not how often we get hooked into victim that matters, but how long we stay there. That's what makes the difference.
The principles I describe in this blog and in my book work – we at CLM can attest to that! And I get to witness the awesome results and experience the pure pleasure of working with people who are committed to taking responsibility for, owning and clearing their own consciousness. I am grateful beyond words.
Blessings, Lynne