What is The Reality Formula®️ and The Reality Formula For Kids?


The Reality Formula®️:

The Reality Formula®️ describes what all minds do, whether we are conscious of it or not:

When we believe what we think, we feel and act as if it’s true … and when we feel and act as if what we think is true, we automatically react in ways that will prove us right.

The Reality Formula®️ is a powerfully effective process developed by Lynne Forrest that describes both the roles we play when we are in victim consciousness, and the step by step process out of victim consciousness that are based on Guiding Principles that allow us to establish inner peace and outer harmony.

The Reality Formula®️ is applicable to all aspects of life, from the personal to family, in the school classroom, and even in the work place – wherever victim consciousness plays out – which is everywhere: in personal relationship, in politics, religion, in business, basically wherever humans interact with one another. Actually, victim consciousness starts in our interpersonal relationship with ourselves, and spreads from there.

After thirty years of observing these dynamics in the families and individuals of her clients. Lynne Forrest wrote the book, ” Guiding Principles For Life Beyond Victim Consciousness. Having been a Life Coach since 1985, Lynne developed The Reality Formula®️ as a way to find inner peace that is simple, highly effective, and continuously expanding. Lynne spent many years in her private practice working with clients and their family members who hold limiting beliefs about themselves and the world around them. Lynne developed practical tools for daily application that would serve to move clients beyond the victim triangle, a diagram that accurately locates and describes the three roles we all play when we are in victim consciousness. It has been a long, but highly productive search that continues to evolve right up to the present moment.

Hundreds of Lynne's clients over the years have attested that their lives have radically changed for the better as a result of the Reality Formula®️. Transformed lives of whole families as far as two or three generations back, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc., have been transformed for the better through the tools Lynne offers through “The Reality Formula®️.”

A young woman and mother of two young children, Danielle Alvarez-Greer, stepped into the picture shortly after Lynne's book “Life Beyond Victim Consciousness” was published in 2011. Danielle benefitted personally from the transformative power of the Reality Formula®️ which strengthened her desire to have access to a children's model that she could offer to her children and children everywhere.

With her encouragement and supoort, Lynne translated her work into a simple language so that children as young as four years of age might understand and apply simple tools that help them to recognize the power of their own thinking in changing the way they feel – from feeling unhappy to feeling happy. The Reality Formula For Kids© (RFFK) was born.

The Happy Kid Toolkit  is an educational tool developed to help parents, teachers, schools and institutions of every kind learn creative and highly effective tools for addressing difficult situations that include kids, for instance, who bully and are bullied, as well as dealing with other behavior and self-esteem issues commonly found in kids.

In the developmental stages of her work with kids, Lynne and Danielle, along with Lynne's team, brought troubled families together, which included children on the spectrum with special needs, to share, refine, and develop the model furhter.

Lynne's son, Andrew Guilfoil, was one of the RFFK© team members for the family retreats, and he trained with Lynne and Danielle to learn (and was later became certified in) the RFFK© model. As a therapeutic massage therapist, professional dancer, and Master Ballet Teacher who has worked with kids, ages 3+ for many years, Andrew has had much hands on experience with helping kids be the best they can be.

Andrew also founded a body of work he calls Core Body Movement, a work he and Lynne co-facilitated in workshops with individuals to assist them in “unwinding” stressful beliefs carried in physical patterns of the body.

Today Andrew heads The Reality Formula For Kids division of the Reality Formula®️ project. Currently, he is developing a “Youth Enlightenment Program” for The Temple of the Living God, a metaphysical church  in St Petersburg, Florida, where he works with volunteer teachers and children (ages 4 to 14) demonstrating through art and movement inspired by the (Universal) Guiding Principles upon which the RFFK© is based.

The results in families who have participated in RFFK© over the years are profound. Follow up with families even a year and more after their training experience with RFFK© provides evidence that this model of work for children literally changes the whole family dynamic for the betterParents  often report seeing continuing progress in their relationship with each other and with their children, even if they did not continue their training with the Reality Formula®️ beyond one training event.

The Reality Formula For Kids© has been tested with kids at home and in the community at large, in the classroom both local and in other states. The model has been tested and found effective with Special Needs Kids, elementary level children all the way up through high school – Actually we have even introduced adult audiences to the Reality Formula®️ using the RFFK©️ model who report they find it delightfully simple and easy to comprehend. Some have even said they prefer its simplicity over the adult version. Danielle even took RFFK© to an orphanage on the Mexican border of the U.S, where it was successfully applied by the teachers and care-givers there in their care of abandoned and horrendously abused children.

The Reality Formula For Kids©  is designed as a powerfully effective tool for conflict resolution and is especially helpful in these times when bullying runs rampant in the classroom. It teaches us how to support children (and ourselves) back to inner peace and harmony. Even children who are known bully's are transformed into respectful leaders through this model. The RFFK© teaches that there are NO bad kids, only unhappy kids … and the whole goal is to turn unhappy kids into happy kids. RFFK© teaches kids how to take responsibility for their own state of mind … rather than to look for someone or some thing outside of themselves to make them happy. RFFK© teaches them that blame only takes them deeper into unhappiness and instead provides them with happier options in the form of simple steps to happiness. The best part of it all is that RFFK© works every time it is rightly and appropriately used.

Like the original Reality Formula®️, The Reality Formula For Kids© (RFFK©)  has a specific and simple process geared to turn kids who are in resistance and misery, into respectful, cooperative, and truly happy, kids. These steps and detailed guidelines for using RFFK© in the classroom are included in “The Happy Kid Toolkit©,” (now available), a complete kit with everything a parent, teacher, guidance counselor, professional care provider, school, church, or institute needs to get started in restoring peace and harmony for the kids you know and love. The Happy Kid Toolkit includes a detailed training DVD that teaches what you need to know to set the program up and walks you step by step through the simple, but radically effective, process of teaching your kids to become self-responsible, self-accountable, and self-regulating kids.

To learn more about The Reality Formula®️ or RFFK©, contact us here.

Sign up for Reality Formula Live , our online bi-monthly webinar where you can learn more about both the adult and kid version of The Reality  Formula®️ through live interaction with Lynne  on a regular twice a month basis.

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