Reality Formula™ in the Work Place

Reality Formula™ In The Workplace seeks to create happy employees by teaching a Reality based model that helps corporations and any work place to move away from the usual, blame-centered approach that identifies work conflicts & challenges as problems rather than opportunities for refinement. Our goal is to create a victim-free work environment that encourages creative resolutions, and that teach self-responsibility, cooperation and harmonious interaction among team players.   
What Reality Formula™ in the Work Place© offers:
• Peace in the workplace
• Tools that align us with Reality
• Removal of blame from the workplace
• Opportunities rather than problems 
• Conflict management & resolution
• Communication skills that enhance productivity
• Less staff turnover
• Better team communication
• Less on the job stress 
• Decrease in job absenteeism
• Less bullying and employee harassment 
• Appropriate limits within the workplace
• Higher goal achievement among teams
• Lessons that empower and motivate employees
• A common language for better interaction and inner office communication 
What can your business expect from the Reality Formula in the Work Place©:
  • Better Employee Time Management 
  • More Staff Accountability and Employee, Self-Responsibility,
  • Employees that are more motivated, less intimidated, leading to enhanced creativity
  • Increased productivity
  • A learned set of Interpersonal job skills for managers and those invested in team building
Eight Steps You Can Take Now Towards Being A Happier, More Productive Employee
1. Observe What you’re thinking and believing.
2. Accept and align with Reality, over your story about Reality.
3. Choose to accept and befriend Reality, rather than to resist it and suffer.
4. Choose happier thoughts to replace unhappy thoughts that otherwise lead to neg. consequences.
5. Be respectful to others. Otherwise we feel bad and they do too.
6. Own your part. Recognize where you are on the triangle & accept self-responsibility (not self-blame).
7. Take care of your business, and leave alone what’s not your business. 
8. Focus on what you want to see more of, rather than criticize that which you don’t like.

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