Face Everything And Recover

Omni Hilton HeadOmni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort 23 Ocean Lane, Hilton Head Island, SC, United States

Our experience tells us that CoDA retreats can be effective places to focus on deeper tools for our recovery from co-dependence.

Victim Free Families: Core Belief Workshop-Level I

Forest Haven Trussell Road, Monteagle, TN, United States

Lynne will present the Real­ity For­mula©, a step by step process designed to move us from a state of vic­tim con­scious­ness to a more pos­i­tive realign­ment with our­selves and Real­ity. Lynne shares basic guid­ing prin­ci­ples of Real­ity that serve as an anti­dote for vic­tim con­scious­ness and that show the way for liv­ing life free of the vic­tim tri­an­gle. The Real­ity For­mula© is a process that prompts major shifts in consciousness. These are the same guid­ing prin­ci­ples that Lynne uses to keep her­self con­sciously aligned with Real­ity, and that led her to phys­i­cal, as well as men­tal and emo­tional trans­for­ma­tion. These prin­ci­ples have been used by count­less clients since to enhance inner peace and har­mony with others.