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Reality Formula: Core Beliefs, Level 1

May 30, 2015 @ 9:00 am - May 31, 2015 @ 5:00 pm


For­est Haven Retreat
Mon­tea­gle, Tennessee

May 30 & 31, 2015

Real­ity For­mula™

Join Lynne for this two day work­shop to learn how to recognize when you are operating in victim consciousness (a mental state we are in anytime we see the external world as keeping us from happiness). Learn about your core beliefs and how they hook you onto the victim triangle and learn effective tools for transforming them. Lynne will guide you through a Reality aware­ness practice that will help you to iden­tify your physical vic­tim patterns and share with you body methods, such as guided imagery, yoga and qigong, designed to help you break free from Vic­tim Consciousness and cul­ti­vat­e peace and self-empowerment instead.

Dur­ing these two days you will …

* Discover your own Core Belief Cycle and the personal reality you have created with them
* Explore your primary role on the Victim Triangle
* Learn how to transform Triangular dynamics in your family and work place
* Learn the Reality Formula for transforming Consciousness
* Expe­ri­ence Powerful Guided Imagery that can shift your perception to a higher consciousness
* Expe­ri­ence Inner Peace & Meditative Calmness
* Restore your Spir­i­tual Con­nec­tion
* Enjoy Mind/Body Rejuvenation

Lodg­ing is not included but is available (as space allows) for an additional fee  (space is limited to 10 beds).

$500 Indi­vid­ual / $950 Cou­ples 

Register with Non-Refundable Deposit by May 1st and Get $50 Off the Total Workshop Cost.

$150 Individual / $200 Couples Non-Refundable deposit is required to register.

For more infor­ma­tion, and to Register please call (423)698-0814 or email events@lynneforrest.com


May 30, 2015 @ 9:00 am
May 31, 2015 @ 5:00 pm


Real Life Center
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Forest Haven
Trussell Road
Monteagle, TN 37356 United States
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