Join Lynne for this weekend intensive seminar and learn how to recognize when you are in victim consciousness (the mental state we experience when we think the external world is the cause of our unhappiness) and what to do about it! Learn to recognize the limiting core beliefs that hook you onto the victim triangle, and cultivate more life empowering beliefs instead. Lynne will guide you through a body awareness practice that will help you identify the physical victim patterns that hold you prisoner, and share ways that physically align you with your highest best Self, and Universal Source.
Lynne’s combines neuroscience, spiritual principles, family systems theory using guided imagery, psychodrama, yoga/qigong as tools to help those she works with to break free from victim consciousness and cultivate peace and self-acceptance instead. She maintains a thriving private practice of 30 years, and is an internationally recognized author, known for her pioneering work in understanding victim consciousness and how to transform it.
These workshop retreats are designed for SMALL groups , children are welcome, and will participate in a group of their own. Children must also register for the workshop to attend; we have limited spaces available. Lynne recognizes the value of a “hands on” approach that totally enhances the value of the work done during the two days we're together. To learn more about the special set and setting provided at Forest Haven, which is the backdrop for the powerfully transformative work we come together to do, read more about Lynne's ‘smaller is bigger' approach to the work done at Forest Haven.
During this weekend you will …
*Discover your own Core Belief Cycle & the personal reality you create
*Explore the victim triangle and how you play it out with others
*Learn how to transform victim thinking by changing the alignment of the body
*Learn to access your Reality centered awareness
*Learn the Reality Formula for transforming victim consciousness
*Experience powerful guided imagery designed to expand consciousness
Read this testimonial from a recent participant to a Forest Haven retreat:
“I was honored to be allowed the opportunity to experience the Body Belief Unwinding Workshop at Forest Haven with Lynne and her amazing family. This was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. I view it now as more of a retreat than a workshop as I experienced such a calming peace in this atmosphere and surrounded by nature and kind souls. I believe my unwinding began the moment I got out of my car and continued through my drive home as I reflected on my entire experience. The most powerful memory I have is when Lynne and Andrew helped a beautiful young woman unwind her entire being which had been fighting disease. The intense emotional release of watching this occur was profound in me. The sharing of our personal journey was so natural and comfortable. I learned way more than I expected from my time there and with everyone, but the thing I have kept with me since that time, that I value most, is my ability to mentally and physically align now. I had been stuck in my process of aligning after doing this work for over a year. But I have the ability now, when I choose it. I cannot recommend this experience enough. It was life changing for me.”
– Mary M
For more information, and to Register please call (423) 698-0814 or email