with Certified Breathwork facilitator Lynne Forrest and
Registered, Board Certified Art Therapist Jas Milam
Where: Barking Legs Theater, Chattanooga TN.
Sunday, June 26, 2022
9am until 5pm
This day-long workshop will combine evocative sound, cyclic breath, applied bodywork, and artmaking to create a powerful, safe, and personal journey into your inner terrain for clearing and transformation. Breathwork invokes a deep self-awareness that allows us to recognize and release our limiting storylines, unwind “stuck” places in the psyche, and merge into a sense of Universal Oneness. It offers us an opportunity to let- go and trust our inner guide, and it facilitates a level of healing that talk therapy can not address.
Each person will also have the chance to create a community art mandala and share in a debriefing and grounding process that rounds out the day.
Come alone or bring other(s). Breathwork is an accelerated and transformational growth experience that you are unlikely to forget!
Registration limited.
Register at Integrative Breathwork and Art Experiential (jasmilam.com)