A 12 week container for those of you who want to dive deep with us into the darkness of contrast and limiting beliefs to discover the inner freedom from victim consciousness that awaits.
Explore that sacred place within where the knowing of who we truly are abides, and together plumb the depths of that which has blocked us from remembering. Learn to sit in neutrality with the “unacceptable and unforgiven” within us. What is it to meet the “dark” beliefs that feed victim consciousness with unconditional love and acceptance? To dedicate these unruly and uncomfortable allies to the process of self-exploration, rather than to judge them and call them wrong, weak, or unacceptable?
Are you ready to share in the process of self-uncovery, toward remembering your true nature?
Inviting self-revelation, and sensory wisdom to inform our group work together, we will allow the Intelligence of that which knows our true being to inform our work together and guide us to truth, self-acceptance, and inner peace.
Here is the link to a recent Facebook Live where Lynne and Shareeah share about Embrace, and about how they began their journey into this work together.
After watching the Facebook Live transmission, if you feel this journey resonates with where you are, message Shareeah Woods through Facebook or email at swoods@gmail.com to set up a call to explore if Embrace is a fit. You will be able to secure your spot with a deposit at that time, if you know you’re a yes. Payment plans are also available as well.
**Lynne & Shareeah have both been guided to start Embrace on Thursday May 13, instead of April 29.
The new dates will now be May 13- July 22. This changing of dates is a beautiful example of how moving with Reality and Truth allows for more ease and flow.
If you are feeling the call to deepen into self-love, acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion through the sacred space that is Embrace, please send a message to Shareeah via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/shareeah, or email swoodscoaching@gmail.com.