Individual Mentoring Sessions

Phone, Skype, or Zoom Sessions Available

A men­tor­ing part­ner­ship is a col­lab­o­ra­tion between you and me. It's designed to sup­port you in sort­ing through and clar­i­fy­ing spe­cific life issues and gaining fresh perspective.
Since there is rarely a sin­gle right or wrong way to achieve life goals, our time together is spent get­ting to the heart of the mat­ter by explor­ing under­ly­ing motives, and then com­ing up with cre­ative options for res­o­lu­tion. I am not the expert on you. You are the ulti­mate author­ity on your life and process. My goal is to sup­port you in build­ing the con­fi­dence you need to begin to rec­og­nize and trust your own inner knowing.
I bring to the ses­sion a wide range of tools for self-discovery, a highly skilled intu­itive sense, plus a clear com­mit­ment to main­tain non-judgmental objec­tiv­ity so that together we can explore new options for expand­ing your per­sonal aware­ness and mov­ing you out of vic­tim con­scious­ness. We will explore the road­blocks that stand between you and your life goals. Together, we'll dis­cover ways to dissolve them.
I do not pro­vide psy­chi­atric diag­no­sis, treat­ment or Rx ther­apy of any kind. I am a life coach and spir­i­tual men­tor, here to pro­vide sup­port and hon­est feed­back. My work is to encour­age you to align with Real­ity and to find peace with who you are and where you are now, all lead­ing to evolv­ing greater under­stand­ing and self-acceptance.
Please contact [email protected] for details or questions.
We do not accept insurance.

Scheduling an Appointment

If you wish to book a session (via phone/Skype/Zoom) please use the “Schedule Appointment” button below to select one of the available times that works for you. This is the fastest way to get an appointment and hold your spot. Once your payment has gone through, your spot will be held for you.


 Fees for Appointments

  • Reality Adjustment Session (1 hour): $225.00
  • Sessions may be scheduled Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays, as Lynne's schedule allows. 
  • You may purchase a bundle of several sessions that you may schedule for yourself or family members to be used within the year. There are no refunds for these packages, but the sessions may be given to friends or family members before they expire, if desired.

The full fee is charged for “no-shows” unless appointments are cancelled 24 hours ahead of scheduled session time.

Lynne accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express.


Canceling an Appointment

We have a 24 hour cancelation policy. The full session fee is charged if you do not show up for your appointment, or cancel too late. If you wish to cancel your appointment, please contact our office at [email protected],  simply canceling a session online does not generate an automatic refund. Just let us know that you wish to either cancel or reschedule your session, and we can take care of that, by moving your session to a new time without incurring any new charges, or issuing a refund, if needed.
If you have trouble booking your session online, or have any additional questions, simply email Jaquetta and she can help schedule your session, or clear up any confusion. Jaquetta's email is: [email protected] 


Schedule Appointment



What Clients are Saying…

…[Y]our vic­tim tri­an­gle and vocab has been an absolute rev­e­la­tion in try­ing to sort out a very unhealthy busi­ness rela­tion­ship with an older sib­ling. Gosh, thank you so much for the wis­dom and abil­ity to make it easy for the man in the street to under­stand.

I can’t thank you enough for the work you do. […] Through your teach­ing, instruc­tion and coach­ing I saw it for what it was. Hurt peo­ple hurt peo­ple, and do their best to drag them onto the vic­tim tri­an­gle. You have a gift for illu­mi­nat­ing the issue, for adjust­ing and refin­ing our fil­ters on how we eval­u­ate things that hap­pen to us in life. God bless you, your gift, and all you do for those in need.

I am writ­ing to express my grat­i­tude and thanks for the emails that you send. I am amazed at the dif­fer­ence in my thought processes since famil­iar­iz­ing myself with the Vic­tim Tri­an­gle. Tak­ing the things you say into con­sid­er­a­tion has helped me to feel much more empow­ered and in con­trol of my own life. It has been an “aha” moment and I want to thank you for the good work that you do. I am very much look­ing for­ward to read­ing your book.


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