Subscribe to Group Online Updates

What is it?

Group Online is a live group session that I will facilitate with you via telephone OR your web browser. I’ll open with a short introduction about how victim consciousness is played out in families through our limiting stories about one another, and I will share a model based on the Guiding Principles I teach that will help you deal with your own family drama. We will then open the session to answer questions directly from you.

For those of you calling in over the phone, you’ll have the option of not only asking me a question, but working through a particular issue with me right then and there. There may not be time for everyone who wants to share personally to do so, however, as my weekly groups here at home discover, everyone works when one person in group works because the same dynamics play out in all families – no matter what culture, race, or where on the map, they may be!

For those of you who log in over the web, you’ll be able to submit questions via a form onsite before and during the event. I will place priority on questions from those who call in over the phone simply because we can accept fewer phone callers and I want everyone to be able to actually HEAR a dialog as we walk through the process. I find that the live back-and-forth is of immense value to everyone present. But don’t worry, you will receive many benefits from listening, whether you participate actively or not!

Join the free updates list (just fill out the form below) and I'll make sure you are first to know when we have a session scheduled. I look forward to hearing from you and learning about your journey!



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